ACM is monitoring the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as it relates to planned programs and is continually checking for guidance from public health authorities including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the City of Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). As changes are made to future ACM programs, meetings, events, or services as a result of COVID-19, we are communicating those directly to the participants and updating our website accordingly. centos7搭建shadowsock
Through the ACM, faculty, staff, and students at member colleges participate in collaborative programs and activities focused on academic excellence and professional development.
Initiatives include:
Professional Development
Faculty and staff can access opportunities for collaboration and development in the areas of teaching, research, and service
Off-Campus Study
Students and faculty can immerse themselves at distinctive cultural, nonprofit, and research institutions.
ACM's portfolio of programs supports projects, events, and development activities for faculty, staff, and students.
Advanced Study
We offer students from diverse backgrounds opportunities for mentoring, career development, and experiential research in the humanities, humanistic social sciences, or arts
教程:搬瓦工Conetos 7 任何版本命伌安装Shadowsocks ...:2021-3-20 · 大家好,从之前的写《搬瓦工Centos 6 64 BBR版本命伌安装Shadowsocks》教程伍来,Q群里来了很多工友,有的工友对命伌是很陌生的,而且对服务器操作来说也是有难度的,但是为了让大家都用上SS,我在群里都给大家做了解答,有的时候也用Teamview给大家远程,但是Teamview个人版本是有连结限制的,所伍到 ...
Resources created by ACM-funded faculty and staff projects, including curricular materials, assessment tools, and best practices
Athletic Competition & Writing Contest
Annual competitions bring together student athletes from across the consortium; since 1973, we've honored one story each year as our Nick Adams Short Story Contest winner
The 14 member colleges located in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Colorado collectively focus on residential liberal arts education as the best preparation for life in a rapidly changing world.

Sonya Malunda
Carrie Conzelman
Vice President for Finance, Administration, and Planning 312.561.5926
Rebecca Holloway
Director of Strategic Partnershipsrholloway@acm.edu312.561.5905
Chief of Staff ehutula@acm.edu312.561.5930
Allen Linton II
Director of Diversity
and Inclusion Initiativesalinton@acm.edu312.561.5921
Will Oldham
Research Assistantwoldham@acm.edu312.561.5933
Michael Vertovec
Senior Program Administrator
Brian Williams
Vice President of Faculty Development and Grant Programsbwilliams@acm.edu312.561.5922
Contact us at 312.263.5000 or
Browse the ACM staff directory
Associated Colleges of the Midwest
Tweets by @ACMedu